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I prefer #SocialWeb to #Fediverse because these imply two entirely different things.

Fediverse implies an enclosed space for which you’re either “in” or “out”. Which is why the Fediverse attracts to many HOA-type people.

In contrast, Social Web presents an effort to supplement a space that already exists, and for which everyone is already included.

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"Boys Bathing," Johann Walter-Kurau, 1900, oil and wood, 14.1 x 17.7", Latvian National Museum of Art.

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Mostly hidden child "nudity" (shoulders up and some kneecaps)
Chrissy Teigen posted this adorable photo to Instagram and of course 2/3 of the comments are from absolute freaks sexualizing the hell out of it, because so much of the world (America especially) is so puritanical about "nudity" while any amount of violence is of course totally fine. 🙃

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in reply to Cleo of Topless Topics

Regardless of what you think about Chrissy Teigen, it's amazing that she's able to still post so many photos of herself looking happy, considering the insane amount of hatred she gets on all her posts. people are so pathetically desperate for attention, they'll hate on anything for any reason.
in reply to Cleo of Topless Topics

Mostly hidden child "nudity" (shoulders up and some kneecaps)

Sensitive content

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Je vous l’avais dit : si vous conservez des habits assez longtemps ils reviennent à la mode

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Billionaires are not “self-made men”. Trans men are self-made men.

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nsfw furry art, nudity (breasts/vagina)

Sensitive content

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Someone has hijacked the Tor Project's X/Twitter account and is advertising a Tor Coin crypto scam, in case you're wondering how things are going in the Bad Place.

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To be fair, it *is* a great name for a unicorn.

#comic #comics

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Started the day with the trumpers' kid shoving my 6-year-old to the ground while they were waiting for the school bus... he says that Aeden was being mean to him first but this kid has a history of being rather physically violent so even if Aeden was being annoying, I don't think shoving him to the ground against the curb is the answer. I texted the trumper kid's parents, who I get along with as long as I don't ever ever mention politics, and asked if we could meet with the kids after school and try to work out some kind of conflict resolution, but privately it's not surprising to see the child of loud, unabashed Trump supporters turn out more violent even though he's only eight so far. 😡

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Remember, the Holocaust didn’t start with gas chambers in Auschwitz.

It started with politicians dividing the people with “us vs. them”.

It started with intolerance and hate speech.

It started when people stopped caring, became desensitized, and turned a blind eye.


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Now livestreaming at !

Or if you're a Patreon donor or Promo Squad member, you can watch through our Discord server:

Become a Patreon donor for as little as $2 a month to gain perks like sub-only livestreams and artistic nude photography here: https:"//

Or, gain access to the same perks for FREE by simply posting links to my content on your own social media platforms! Find out more here:

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in reply to Lilith Gnosis

Cowardly killer?
Folk Hero?
Or can someone be two things at once?

The most balanced think piece I've come across...from the article:
"Obviously, an explanation is not a justification. Nothing justifies murder. I see it as a primal scream from a society that has had enough. I view it as a warning."☠️ 🇺🇸 ☠️…

in reply to Kid Mania

@clintruin @Lilith111
I find it strange that certain people want us to believe that they have a problem with murder, but not mass murder.

I have not seen any of those who call Luigi a murderer express the tiniest but of sympathy for the tens of thousands of preventable deaths caused every year by our health insurance industry. What about the children of the people killed by health insurers? Or do those lives not matter?

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in reply to Tofu Golem

@tofugolem @Lilith111
⏫ And herein lies the rub.

What do we do in society that outlaws murder...(at least for those who cannot afford to buy out) but literally turns a blind eye to "a healthcare system" responsible for suffering and criminal negligence causing the deaths of thousands if not millions?

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She most definitely needs a movie. She was part of the Resistance in Holland, and
Damn, she was a badass. She also helped Jewish people escape camps and blew up some train tracks the Reich used.
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Big Tech is using the nationalism card. When the EU wants to regulate American companies and fines them when they break the rules, then they want to see that as attacking American companies.

What does it then mean when the DOJ in the US wants to regulate Big Tech and fines them for breaking the rules?

The reality is that we need regulation. Big Tech has gotten away with too much. They have grown too powerful. They are doing too much damage.

Choose smaller companies, when you can. Take a stand.

#Windows #Macos #Linux #fediverse #Mastodon #Regulation #Politics #Vivaldi

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I like the term “patriarchy” because it implies that men who play the social role of “father” have the most privilege in society.

And that’s something feminism has properly identified from the get-go.

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Did you know about Sepia Search, our search engine for #PeerTube?

With #SepiaSearch, you can find out most of videos, channels and playlists available on PeerTube!



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People who confuse #naturism with porn should visit a nude beach. That'll teach them.

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in reply to Paul Z. Walker

Nood beach got all kinds of shapes & sizes........... not so many p()rn stars........

in reply to Kenneth John Bardsley

A Twitter post by John Sipher ([@] states: "On 21 March 1933 Adolf Hitler was officially sworn in as chancellor of Germany. The same day he pardoned 8,000 Nazis, who had committed violent acts, starting with the failed Hitler coup on 8 November 1923." A profile picture of John Sipher is shown to the left, and a "Following" button is to the right.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

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in reply to Cleo of Topless Topics

I'm actually not sure I'll be able to premiere my new "Goodbye" YouTube " video that I spent all week furiously editing because I'm still fresh off another YouTube ban of a fully-clothed video of me simply talking to the camera as" sexually explicit nudity," which is just *chef's kiss* irony. I can at least show the YouTube-safe version on Twitch since I scraped out all nipples, even male nipples, because I'm banned to a degree that nobody else faces.

man I'm so close to just not even caring anymore about if my post get banned on mainstream social media. I'll just post them to decentralized platforms like Mastodon and Peertube, and if no one watches them, so be it, but at least I won't have to be holding my breath waiting for a fresh ban 🙃

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Now livestreaming over at while I finish editing my "goodbye youtube" topless equality video!

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to be a TOP WEBSITE you have to not BLOCK MOJEEKBOT, thanks for coming to my TED talk...

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Unknown parent

glitchsoc - Link to source
Cleo of Topless Topics
I don't know what that is an am not really at liberty to physically take part in resistance protests right now (my identity is too easily found and I have kids to worry about) so not really 😅 but I'm glad to hear others are organizing!

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It doesn't natter what the alt right or media claims, Elon Musk did a sieg heil salute.

And it matters that he did that. He is the richest person on this planet and now has major stakes in the US government

So yes, having neo-nazi's run one of the worlds leading countries does matter a lot

Call the beast for what it is

#USpol #Musk

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Mark reshared this.

Discussing nazis and nudity, photo from s trump rally, nonsexual nude photo of me
Was just thinking about these "nudity not Nazi" memes I made years ago (before I really started to push against the #nudist / #naturist label because of how often they ignore my fight for top less equality to focus on freeing their genitals instead) contrasting Trump rallies and the January 6th Insurrection to innocent photos of non-sexual nudity. You can see what I made back then at…
I want to update it to what I used on my t-shirt design--"ban nazis not nipples"

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Mark reshared this.

Looking for instance recommendations by and for PoC, for some people I've been talking to who balked at using mastodon years ago because at that time they experienced a lot of "white liberal" racism here.

(I'm nervous I'll be perceived as racist for even asking this... But I'm not sure how else to frame this request)

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After Elon's little double nazi salute stupidity apparently Tesla's are now being called 'Swasti-cars' 😆

#Elonmusk #Fascism

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American far-right plutocrats are now targeting Wikipedia because it's a platform they don't control.

The Wikimedia Foundation is an invaluable non-profit organisation that is not for sale. Please help keeping it that way by making a donation - big or small:

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in reply to Yoïn van Spijk

And help by keeping information up to date.
Wikipedia needs editors.

Practising #naturism can be difficult in the winter, especially when it's been snowing

I'm back!

So after multiple hardware failures, database corruption, and re-installation issues I've finally restarted this instance as a completely fresh install.