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One of the unexpected joys of the fediverse over other places is the addition of weird domains appended on to everyone's usernames.

It makes the web feel like more than just four websites again.

It's both a signal of a smaller more intimate internet and also a larger and far more diverse internet at the same time!

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in reply to JacksonBates

it's really fun knowing your instance is being hosted on a ThinkPad with no display, in someone's drawer somewhere
in reply to kitsune 🍝

Mine's out in the open for better cooling, but it does have a half-broken keyboard as well.
in reply to JacksonBates

I couldn't quite put my finger on why I liked seeing that domain diversity but you nailed it - it DOES feel like the web is more expansive again!
in reply to JacksonBates

Weird? My domain is totally normal! 😉

More seriously though, you are right. It is really nice and some of the names are quite intriguing.
Unknown parent

Ombra 🔵🌻
Yea, this tends to be the main issues with home servers.

It really is a hobby, you have to make sure you'll still be interesting in patching, and upgrading for many years into the future if it's something you and your family rely on.

I much prefer managed instances.